About us: Meet the Jukebox team

We are a team of radio professionals, DJs and producers with years of experience in creating personalised radio content, adapted to the needs and wishes of Jukebox’s various clients. We merge music with your business story into a radio that is tailor-made for your brand.

Filip Jelaš

Over the course of 18 years spent on various radio stations (Radio 1, Radio Samobor, Otvoreni radio, Yammat FM), there was a desire to create his own radio, thus Jukeboxmusic was made. Also known as the The Vocal Rasp of Zagreb.

Nataša Šajatović

Voditeljica ureda
Korporativni bankarski svijet Nataša je zamijenila Jukeboxovim uredom. Prva je kad treba preuzeti inicijativu i dobro zna kako izaći na kraj sa svakim od nas. Na zahtjeve za fakturama koje su trebale biti poslane jučer odgovara spremno, a u ladici uvijek čuva baš onaj komad uredskog pribora koji nam treba sada i odmah.

Dario Loborec

Music editor / Tech support
He has been behind the DJ desk since 2009, and chances are that you’ve danced your first wedding dance to his Leggero selection. Another sure thing is that you have been listening to Jukeboxmusic and enjoyed his selection of Croatian music, or heard him patiently explain how to reset your Jukebox player.

Lucija Čeč

Social media manager / Voice-over artist
She has spent nearly a decade in radio studios and editorial offices, from Radio Student to Yammat FM. Her roles in Jukeboxmusic include digital and written creative, and she is also the voice of your commercials. She is the biggest advocate of removing Coldplay from all playlists, and she also holds the office (and wider) record for the highest attendance of Pips, Chips & Videoclips concerts.

Miro Vračić

Tech support
He is Miro, your Jukebox speed dial man for all technical problems. Today you will find him in Zagreb, but tomorrow he can install your player in Slavonia, Istria or Dalmatia. Miro has been inextricably connected to music ever since the late eighties. Back then he was a DJ going around the clubs, and today he is also active as a radio DJ.

Boris Poklepović

He began his musical journey behind a DJ stand, and he has been sailing on the radio waves since 2011. Starting with Radio 808, through Yammat and all the way to Jukeboxmusic, his path has led him from the radio broadcast mixer, through the role of audio producer, reaching his present position of chief technology officer. He must be at least a little bit funky in every role.

Kristijan Frković Frx

Music editor
He has been known throughout Croatian nightclubs as DJ Frx ever since the late eighties. He began his editorial career on Radio 101, then went to Radio 808 and Radio Tvornica. There isn’t a music genre that he cannot incorporate into your Jukeboxmusic radio – from the exotic lounge, through Japanese jazz, all the way to the most recent pop hits.

Fran Smajli

Producer / Tech support
Here is a producer who you haven’t heard of yet – unless he sent you some commercials for approval. One day, he will play breakbeat music to hardcore fans, and until then he is taking care of your commercials, jingles and everything else related to audio production.

Nikola Podkrajac

Producer / Jukebox Studio manager
You can find Nikola in front of a sound mixer at every given moment – it has been his favourite position ever since the early 2000s. So it comes as no surprise that he began his producing journey with electronic music, heading to studios of Croatian Radio from there on. Today, he is Jukebox Studio’s expert in recording and mixing dubbing, as well as other audio projects.
Jukebox Family
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